5 Days to Supported Headstand

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You feel like you’re starting to plateau in your yoga practice
  • You are afraid that you’ll injure yourself learning supported headstand on your own
  • You want to have control over your body
  • You’re ready to challenge your body with advanced yoga poses

You want to challenge your body to go upside down and learn to have better control over your movements. You like a challenge. Getting stronger and learning new skills has always been exciting for you – especially when it means you can do something as cool as a headstand. You’re ready to move to the next level and refine your strength so you can have the control to float into a headstand with ease.

You feel like you’re starting to plateau in your yoga practice and want to learn something new. Vinyasa flow classes can get repetitive after a while. You’ve done so many, and you feel like you’re not getting any stronger. Learning how to do supported headstand feels like the right next step in your personal practice.

You’re worried about causing an injury. Teachers in studios or on YouTube have great flow yoga practices, but they rarely take the time to explain how to do supported headstand. You want to learn but are afraid you won’t do it right and hurt yourself. You need a teacher to spend time explaining step-by-step how to do that headstand you’ve been wanting to learn.

Take your practice to the next level

You’re excited to learn the safe way to do supported headstand. Having clear instructions on how to get upside down will allow you to practice on your own time and at your own pace. Not to mention, it will eliminate all your fear about causing an injury!

You can’t wait to strengthen your body and master supported headstand. You’ve been doing yoga for a long time but haven’t been taught the proper way to refine and control your strength. Finding a new way to engage your muscles and feel your practice will help you elevate your skills to the next level.

I'll help you overcome your fears to get upside down. In this 5-day course, you'll learn exactly what you need to master supported headstand confidently. You'll also learn ways to challenge your body and gain more control over your movements. By taking this course, you'll be practicing supported headstand in no time!

As a result of this course you will...

This 5-day course includes:

Day 1: Foundations

The first day is all about foundations. We’ll break down the fundamentals of supported headstand so you can learn step-by-step how to set up for supported headstand AND which muscles you need to engage to hold yourself upside down.

Day 2: Build Strength

Day 2 is dedicated to building strength. You’ll practice several drills and exercises to build the necessary strength for supported headstand.

Day 3: Get Upside Down

Finally, we practice getting upside down! You’ll gain confidence being upside down by using a wall for extra support. Feel what it’s like to be in supported headstand without needing to focus all your attention on balance.

Day 4: Master Headstand

On the fourth day, you’ll learn several ways to safely enter supported headstand in the middle of the room. You’ll have lots of options to figure out what feels best in your body.

Day 5: Gain Control

Once you’re upside down, find control in your body to hold and stabilize your supported headstand. The final day is all about adding movements in your headstand to refine your muscle control.

you'll also get these amazing bonuses:

Fearless Mindset

Nervous about going upside down? I have 5 key tips to help you overcome your fear! Feel empowered to take on your headstand practice on your own terms.



Discover 8 awesome variations to rock those Instagram pictures!


Benefits of Headstand

There are so many benefits to inversions! Not only are they fun to do, but they are good for your overall well-being. Learn more with this pdf.



Two Private Coaching Sessions

The VIP package includes TWO 30-minute coaching sessions with me. One of the best ways to improve your headstand practice is to get 1:1 coaching to help you move through any challenges. Because I'm able to see your body, I will be able to give you specific feedback on ways to improve your supported headstand and make it stronger.

We can work together on strengthening exercises, alignment or dig into your fears of going upside down. Whatever you'd like to work on, you'll have two sessions with 1:1 support. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get personalized instruction to fast-track your success!

you'll also get these VIP bonuses:

12 Drills for a Rock-Solid Core

A strong core is super important for supported headstand! This video is all about creating a rock-solid core so that getting up and holding your headstand becomes easier.


Tips for Piking-Up into Headstand

Want to learn how to gracefully float up into supported headstand? In this video, I give you the most important tools you need to pike up into supported headstand.


You can finally hold a supported headstand, and I can help you feel safe and confident while upside down

I’m a 500hr yoga and movement teacher who specializes in arm balances and inversions. I love guiding students through challenging poses and helping them accomplish something they've only ever dreamed of. You ARE strong and capable, and I'm just here to help you realize your potential.

Working with me, you’ll continue to gain strength and master supported headstand. You’ll discover ways to move your body and break free from your yoga plateau so you can start to feel more confident and proud of your yoga practice.

$159 $79

The first 100 students get a 50% discount!

VIP Package:
$299 $149

The first 100 students get a 50% discount!

14-day MONEY BACK guarantee

If you invest in the “5 Days to Supported Headstand’ program and doesn’t work for you, don’t stress. Just send me an email to info@jessiebiseryoga.com, and I will refund you 100% of your money immediately. Why? Because I want to make sure you find value in my programs. I want you to be able to decide whether or not this program is a good fit for you.

This is what you get when you sign up for 5 Days to Supported Headstand today

  • Foundations of supported headstand
  • 9 strength building drills
  • 9 ways to practice going upside down
  • 6 kickass drills to gain control
  • Do’s and Don’ts of practicing supported headstand
  • BONUS: Fearless mindset
  • BONUS: 8 new headstand variations
  • BONUS: Benefits of inversions

PLUS in the VIP package:

  • Two 30-minute private coaching sessions with me
  • 12 drills for a rock-solid core
  • Best tips for piking up into your supported headstand

Regular Price:  $159

Today only: $79

VIP Package

Regular Price: $299

Today only: $149

Are you interested in working with me?

Excellent! Here's how to get started

Step 1: Click the link below to buy now

Step 2: Choose your payment option

Step 3: You will receive an e-mail within 24 hours with the course materials

Step 4: Start looking at the world upside down TODAY!

Frequently asked questions

You will have lifetime access! You will also receive any updates to the course over time free of charge. With each update, you will receive an e-mail notification and you will have immediate access to the new content.

Yes! There is a 14-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the course, all you have to do is e-mail me at info@jessiebiseryoga.com and you will get a full refund immediately. Why? Because I want to make sure you find value in my programs. I want you to be able to decide whether or not this program is a good fit for you.

All of the course material will be available at once! Once you purchase the course, you will receive an e-mail with the link and password to the course. You will have immediate access to all the content.

This course is for anyone who wants to progress in their yoga practice, specifically to gain more strength and learn inversions. This course will benefit both beginner yoga students and “advanced” students because it teaches the foundations of supported headstand, ways to build strength over time and how to find more control and challenge your body once you’re up in a headstand.

This core content in the course takes 15 minutes a day for 5 days to complete. The bonus content can be completed all at once or spread out over the course of a few additional days.

This course provides you very clear and detailed information on the foundations and anatomy of supported headstand. Having a solid foundation is KEY to mastering an inversion safely and confidently. You’ll learn exactly where to place your body and how to activate your muscles. This course also provides drills and exercises to gain strength AND progress your headstand to the next level.

Everybody and every body is different. While I can’t 100% guarantee you will do a supported headstand, this course gives you all the tools you need to keep practicing so that, with consistent practice, you will eventually be able to get upside down and hold a supported headstand!

Yes! This program is for students of all levels. We start at the basics and work our way up to more difficult versions of supported headstand so students of all skill levels will find some value.

Of course! One thing we focus on in this course is developing the hamstring flexibility that makes a supported headstand easier, but flexibility is not the only way to be successful supported headstand! I give suggestions for those who may not be as flexible.

Nope! In the basic version, all you need is a wall. For the VIP version, I recommend you have two yoga blocks and a blanket for some of the core work in the bonus video.

Once you purchase the course, you will get the link to the course content with a personalized password. You will have immediate access to all the content and the videos can be watched on all devices.

There are not. The course is available only with a one-time payment.

Still have questions? Contact me!

What students are saying

"With Jessie’s clear and gentle guidance I was able to hold my first headstand with ease! Using tips and tricks I learned from her, I can now pike up into a headstand and hold it for about a minute. I’d recommend Jessie’s headstand course to yogis of any level who want to experience the fun of seeing the world upside down!"
Carolyn Flax

$159 $79

The first 100 students get a 50% discount!

VIP Package:
$299 $149

The first 100 students get a 50% discount!

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